Horse arenas & tracks

Sand is considered a key ingredient in creating a good horse arena or track footing.

Choosing the wrong sand can create problems and become expensive over time, as not every type of sand is suitable for horse hooves. The overall qualities of the sand can impact the performance of the surface; whether it becomes tight, loose, or just right, is soft or hard, and how much dust is produced. Understanding the sand grading, shape, and distribution of sand particles is key to choosing the best footing sand for the horse.

Good grading for horse arena or track sand consists of coarse sand particles which will help to keep the footing firm without compacting it. Silica sand is commonly used for horse arenas due to the hardness of the sand particle. It is a natural sand that resists weather and breakdown due to the hardness so lasts longer as an arena or track footing. The sub-angular sand particles will lessen the ability to compact and provide traction under hoof.

If there are too many fine sand particles in the sand, it can lead to compaction which is not considered ideal for training arenas.

River Sands offers two options for arena or track sand that both meet the above criteria: C38 and RW Coarse. RW Coarse is harvested from a nearby quarry. They are cleaned sands with high silica content for durability and hardness. Both sands also provide good drainage, even when covered and exposed to the elements, and have very little clay content to limit dust.

When considering the depth of sand for your arena, it can vary greatly depending on the equine discipline. The important factor for depth is that the footing provides cushioning, traction, and support for the movements of the horse.


Where is this product available?

South East Queensland, Northern New South Wales


  • Horse arenas
  • Horse racing tracks

Size availability

  • Bulk bags
  • Bulk load
